Continued Delivery of Human Cell Culture Products for Research Use to the UK

CellSystems can continue to offer and deliver cell culture products from our suppliers Advanced Biomatrix, Applied StemCell, and Lifeline Cell Technology to the UK.
This includes Human Primary Cells (Keratinocytes, Endothelial Cells, Fibroblasts), specialized Cell Culture Media (e.g., VascuLife, DermaLife, FibroLife), Matrix Proteins (e.g., PureCol, Fibronectin, Rat Tail Collagen), and iPSC-derived Cells (e.g., iPSC-derived Microglia Cells, iPSC-derived Natural Killer Cells, iPSC-derived Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells).
Shipments to the UK are sent from our logistics center in Germany on Mondays and Tuesdays.
We have all the necessary approvals for the import of animal-derived products into the UK.

3D Cell Culture – From Organoids to Organ Models

3D cell cultures are evolving rapidly, offering increasingly complex systems that closely mimic the structure, microenvironment, and physiological functions of human organs and tissues. These models enable the study of spatial cell organization, organ and disease development, and provide powerful tools for drug screening, toxicity assessment, and transplantation research.
By combining relevant cell types, media, extracellular matrices or bioprinted structures, researchers can simulate natural environments with high accuracy. To date, numerous models of human tissues and organs, both in healthy and diseased states, have been successfully developed.
These include:

·        Bone marrow organoids [1] ·        Prostate organoids [7]
·        Breast cancer-on-chip [2] ·        Renal proximal Tubule-on-a-Chip [8]
·        Cerebral organoid cultures [3] ·        Skin: 3D Models [9], Chips [10] & Open-Top Chip [11]
·        Colon organoids [4] ·        Tumoroid-on-a-Plate [12]
·        Fibrosis model [5] ·        Vagina [13, 14] and Cervix Chips [14]
·        Kidney Chip [6]

Solutions from CellSystems®
CellSystems offers high-quality products suited for 3D cell culture applications:

Product Category Examples
Human Primary Cells, iPSCs, Culture Media & Subculture Reagents Human Skin Cells and Media:

o   Epidermal Keratinocytes & DermaLife K Media

o   Melanocytes & DermaLife M Media

o   Microvascular Endothelial Cells (mvECs) & VascuLife Media

o   Fibroblasts & FibroLife Media

Reproductive Cells and Media for male & female:

o   Female Reproductive Cells & Media

o   Male Reproductive Cells & Media

Human Umbilical Vascular Endothelial Cells (HUVEC)

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)

iPSC Lines, Ready-to-use iPSC-differentiated Cells & Media

Subculture Reagents for gentle cell dissociation

Extracellular Matrices (ECM), 3D Hydrogels & Adhesion Peptides


Collagen (Atelocollagen, Telocollagen) from bovine, human or rat

Tunable Stiffness Hydrogels such as Hystem HA, PhotoGel – Methacrylated Gelatin or PEGDA

Silk Fibroin (lyophilized powder / solution)l

Adhesion Peptides, such as Poly-L/ or D-Lysine, Poly-L-Ornithin, PEPTITE-2000

Enzymes and Inhibitors for Tissue Dissociation, Cell Isolation & Decellularization of ECM Collagenase Preparations Type 1 – 7 and animal-free A – D & Dispase®

Papain & Trypsin


 DNase I

 Trypsin Inhibitors, e.g. Soybean

iPSC Services iPSC generation & Gene Editing


[1] Olijnik, A., et al. Nature Protocols, 19(7), 2024, 2117–46.
[2] Maulana, T., et al. Cell Stem Cell, 31(7) 2024, 989-1002.e9.
[3] Donadoni, M., et al. Journal of NeuroVirology, 2024.
[4] Mitrofanova, O., et al. Cell Stem Cell, 31(8), 2024, 1175-1186.e7.                                  
[5] Petrachi, T., et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 165, 2023, 115146.
[6] Mou, X., et al.  Science Advances, 10(23), 2024, eadn2689
[7] Xie, L., et al. Environmental Health Perspectives, 128(6), 2020, 067008.                                         

[8] Nie, J., et al. Advanced Science, 11(30), 2024, 2400970.
[9] Chettouh-Hammas, N., et al.  Ed N. Ismail. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2023, 1–15.                 

[10] Sun, S., et al. Nature Communications, 13(1), 2022, 5481.                                          
[11] Varone, A., et al. Biomaterials, 275, 2021, 120957.
[12] Seyfoori, A. et al. bioRxiv preprint, 2024.
[13] Mahajan G, et al. Microbiome. 2022, 26;10(1):201. doi: 10.1186/s40168-022-01400-1

[14] Gutzeit, O. et al. Systems Biology, 23, 2023,

Understanding Vaginal Microbiome Dynamics with Organ Chips

Dysbiotic Vaginal Complications: Insights from Human Vagina and Cervix Chips Co-culture

Researchers used Organ-on-a-Chip technology to investigate the impact of cervicovaginal mucus on dysbiotic vaginal conditions. The study, detailed in “Modulation of dysbiotic vaginal complications by cervical mucus revealed in linked human vagina and cervix chips by Gutzeit et al. (bioRxiv, 2023), highlights dysbiotic changes in the female genital microbiome and their links to various health issues. The study employed a microfluidic two-channel co-culture of a cervix chip and a vagina chip, revealing that cervical mucus collected from the cervix chip protected the vaginal epithelium on the vagina chip from inflammation and epithelial cell injury. Proteomic analysis identified potential diagnostic biomarkers or therapeutic targets for bacterial vaginosis. The research underscores the utility of organ chip technology in understanding female reproductive tract health and disease.

Notably, the wide range of cells, media, and coating reagents required for establishing the Organ Chips are available in Europe through CellSystems®:

Female Reproductive Cells

Extracellular Matrices

Adhesion Peptides


MEET US at the 50. ADF

CellSystems® will be participating in this year’s 50. Annual Meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung e. V., ADF

  • Date: March 06-09, 2024
  • Booth Number: U11
  • Location: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Universitätsstraße 1, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

Explore our latest products & services. We look forward to engaging with you at ADF and providing insights into our innovative solutions for dermatology research.

See you at our booth!



Update – available hematopoietic cells

We significantly broadened the portfolio of human Mononuclear Cells (MNCs) and isolated hematopoietic cell types from

  • Leukapheresed Peripheral Blood (Leukapheresed PB)
  • Normal Peripheral Blood (Normal PB)
  • Mobilized Peripheral Blood (Mobilized PB)
  • Cord Blood
  • Bone Marrow and
  • Plasma.

We now offer specific subsets of T cells, B cells, NK cells and monocytes isolated by positive selection of target cells or by depletion of non-target cells. Furthermore, CD34+ Hematopoietic Stem Cells as well as the CD34 cells (cell fraction depleted of CD34+ cells) are available from several sources, also as “matched sets” from the same donor.

Furthermore, we also offer a wide variety of cells differentiated from induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs). The ready-to-use hematopoietic iPSC-derived cells come with optimized medium for most reliable results.

Have a look on the table about available Hematopoietic Celltypes and Sources.

Click on the following links for a complete list of available human Primary Cells as well as ready-to-use iPSC-derived cells.




26 Assays Using PureCol Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is thus the most widely used ECM protein in research across hundreds of various assays.

PureCol® Type I Collagen is the most popular collagen product, being 3 mg/ml of type I atelocollagen (>99.9% pure), and is the product referenced in each of the assays below. Other ABM Collagen products may be substituted in these assays if different mechanical properties of the collagen are desired (ie. use Telocollagen for stiffer hydrogels to evaluate changes in migration related to stiffness). Descriptions of some of the assays are found below the chart.

Assay Title Reference
Boyden Chamber
Spheroid Invasion
Single Cell Motility
Cell Viability
Aortic Ring
3D Chemotaxis
Cell Line Generation
Collagen Migration
Cell Proliferation
Air-Liquid Interface
Gel Contraction
3D Migration
Tumor-On-Chip 3D Motility
In Vitro Granuloma Models
Injectable Gels
3D Cytotoxicity co-culture
CRT (Calreticulin)
Cell Binding
Melanoma Spheroid Invasion
LH Enzymatic Activity
In Vitro 3D Cyst
Scratch/Wound Healing
Tube Formation

(published 01/26/23: Advanced BioMatrix – 26 Assays Using PureCol Collagen)


After a long time with very limited opportunities to meet our highly valued customers in person, we are now looking forward to meeting you again.
Come by our booth at
49. ADF-Tagung, 22 – 25 February 2023, Innsbruck, Austria
3D Cell Culture 2023, 17 – 19 April 2023, Freiburg, Germany
and don’t miss out on information about new and relevant products & services for your research area of interest.

We are hoping to see you there!

Your CellSystems Team


“Giving Up is Not an Option”

On June 2, 2022, Katharina, daughter of our scientific sales representative Monika Kleu, took part in the “Alpe d’HuZes” – a remarkable sporting event dedicated to raising funds for cancer research and improving the lives of those affected by cancer.

“Giving Up is not an Option” was the powerful motto of this event and also the rallying cry of Katharina’s team, the Bee Team, led by Gerdi Poelstra-Luurs, who proved themselves to be a true “A-Team”. The team, embodying remarkable perseverance and spirit, successfully tackled the 21 hairpin bends of the challenging 15 km route through the Alps.

As proud sponsors, CellSystems GmbH was thrilled to support this initiative, contributing to the impressive total raised for such a crucial cause.

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to the Bee Team!


CellSystems mentioned in Labourjournal 1-2/2022

CellSystems offers products for enzymatic cell dissociation (Laborjournal 1-2/2022; link).


Additional enzymes for cell dissociation:




Proteinase K




CellSystems mentioned in BIOspektrum 2021-07: 3D-Zellkultur

CellSystems offers products for 3D cell culture applications (link)