Coagulation Proteins

Coagulation Proteins for Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research

Coagulation proteins play a crucial role in maintaining hemostasis and preventing excessive bleeding. The coagulation protein products encompass a range of essential components, including coagulation enzymes, zymogens, cofactors, as well as platelet and plasma proteins from human, bovine, and murine source plasma. These native proteins are highly purified (> 95%), well-characterized and fully functional.

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These products are instrumental in studying various aspects of coagulation, such as the clotting cascade, fibrinolysis, and thrombus formation. Researchers utilize these proteins to investigate the mechanisms underlying clot formation and dissolution, elucidate the pathophysiology of bleeding disorders and thrombotic diseases, and develop novel therapeutic interventions.

Don’t forget to explore our product portfolio for the Coagulation Protein Antibodies as well.

  • Beta2-Glycoprotein I

    Cat.-Nr: B2GI-0001

    β2-Glycoprotein I (β2I, Apolipoprotein H) is a highly glycosylated single chain protein (Mr=54,200) which is synthesized in the liver and... Read More

  • Bovine alpha-thrombin

    Cat.-Nr: BCT-1020

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Bovine alpha-thrombin-BFPRCK

    Cat.-Nr: BCT-BFPRCK

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Bovine alpha-thrombin-DFP

    Cat.-Nr: BCT-DFP

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Bovine alpha-thrombin-FPRCK

    Cat.-Nr: BCT-FPRCK

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Bovine APC

    Cat.-Nr: BCAPC-1080

    Activated protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant serine protease derived from the two chain, vitamin K-dependent zymogen, protein C (3-7). A complex... Read More

  • Bovine APC-DEGR

    Cat.-Nr: BCAPC-DEGR

    Activated protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant serine protease derived from the two chain, vitamin K-dependent zymogen, protein C (3-7). A complex... Read More

  • Bovine Factor IX

    Cat.-Nr: BCIX-1040

    The zymogen factor IX is a single chain vitamin K-dependent glycoprotein which is synthesized in the liver (1-3). The domain structure of factor IX... Read More

  • Bovine Factor IXa

    Cat.-Nr: BCIXA-1050

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Bovine Factor IXa-DEGR

    Cat.-Nr: BCIXA-DEGR

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Bovine Factor IXa-EGR

    Cat.-Nr: BCIXA-EGR

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Bovine Factor V

    Cat.-Nr: BCV-1100

    Factor V is a large, single chain, plasma glycoprotein which is an essential component in the blood coagulation cascade (1). During coagulation, the... Read More

  • Bovine Factor Va

    Cat.-Nr: BCVA-1110

    Factor Va is a cofactor for the serine protease factor Xa, and in the presence of calcium ions they collectively assemble on a phospholipid surface... Read More

  • Bovine Factor X

    Cat.-Nr: BCX-1050

    Factor X is a vitamin K-dependent protein zymogen which is synthesized in the liver and circulates in plasma as a two chain molecule linked by a... Read More

  • Bovine Factor Xa

    Cat.-Nr: BCXA-1060

    Activation of the zymogen, factor X, by either the intrinsic or extrinsic factor Xase complexes produces the active serine protease factor Xa (1,2).... Read More

  • Bovine Factor Xa-DEGR

    Cat.-Nr: BCXA-DEGR

    Activation of the zymogen, factor X, by either the intrinsic or extrinsic factor Xase complexes produces the active serine protease factor Xa (1,2).... Read More

  • Bovine Factor Xa-EGR

    Cat.-Nr: BCXA-EGR

    Lactadherin is purified from un-pasteurized bovine milk (11).

  • Bovine Lactadherin

    Cat.-Nr: BLAC-1200

    Lactadherin is a widely distributed glycoprotein (~ 50 kDa), which was originally characterized due to its association with milk fat/lipid globule... Read More

  • Bovine Lactadherin - ALEXA 555

    Cat.-Nr: BLAC-ALEXA555

    Lactadherin is a widely distributed glycoprotein (~ 50 kDa), which was originally characterized due to its association with milk fat/lipid globule... Read More

  • Bovine Lactadherin - ALEXA 647

    Cat.-Nr: BLAC-ALEXA647

    Lactadherin is a widely distributed glycoprotein (~ 50 kDa), which was originally characterized due to its association with milk fat/lipid globule... Read More

  • Bovine Lactadherin - FITC

    Cat.-Nr: BLAC-FITC

    Lactadherin is a widely distributed glycoprotein (~ 50 kDa), which was originally characterized due to its association with milk fat/lipid globule... Read More

  • Bovine Plasminogen

    Cat.-Nr: BCPG-1130

    Plasminogen is a single chain glycoprotein zymogen which is synthesized in the liver and circulates in plasma at a concentration of approximately 2.4... Read More

  • Bovine Protein C

    Cat.-Nr: BCPC-1070

    The vitamin K-dependent zymogen, protein C, is synthesized in the liver as a single chain polypeptide and is subsequently converted to a disulfide... Read More

  • Bovine Prothrombin

    Cat.-Nr: BCP-1010

    Prothrombin is a vitamin K-dependent plasma protein which is synthesized in the liver (1). Prior to secretion into plasma, prothrombin undergoes... Read More

  • E. Carinatus II Protease

    Cat.-Nr: ECVVII-2011

    Snake venom proteases are useful tools for studying coagulation reactions. The venom proteases offered are highly purified, homogenous preparations... Read More

  • Human Activated Protein C

    Cat.-Nr: HCAPC-0080

    Activated protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant serine protease derived from the two chain, vitamin K-dependent zymogen, protein C (3-7). A complex... Read More

  • Human Activated Protein C-DEGR (active site blocked)

    Cat.-Nr: HCAPC-DEGR

    Activated protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant serine protease derived from the two chain, vitamin K-dependent zymogen, protein C (3-7). A complex... Read More

  • Human alpha Thrombin-BFPRCK

    Cat.-Nr: HCT-BFPRCK

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Human alpha-Thrombin

    Cat.-Nr: HCT-0020

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Human alpha-Thrombin-DFP (active site blocked)

    Cat.-Nr: HCT-DFP

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Human beta Thrombin

    Cat.-Nr: HCBT-0022

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). Purified forms of -thrombin... Read More

  • Human beta-Factor Xa

    Cat.-Nr: HCBXA-0061

    Activation of the zymogen, factor X, by either the intrinsic or extrinsic factor Xase complexes produces the active serine protease factor Xa (1,2).... Read More

  • Human Beta-Thromboglobulin

    Cat.-Nr: HBTG-0210

    -thromboglobulin (-TG), is a low molecular weight, heparin-binding, platelet-derived protein (1). It is similar to platelet factor-4 (PF-4) in that... Read More

  • Human D-Dimer

    Cat.-Nr: HDD-0151

    The thrombin (IIa) catalyzed cleavage of soluble fibrinogen (Fbg) to form fibrin (Fbn) is the terminal proteolytic event in the coagulation cascade.... Read More

  • Human Factor IX

    Cat.-Nr: HCIX-0040

    The zymogen factor IX is a single chain vitamin K-dependent glycoprotein which is synthesized in the liver (1-3). The domain structure of factor IX... Read More

  • Human Factor IX, biotinylated

    Cat.-Nr: HCIX-0040-B

    The zymogen factor IX is a single chain vitamin K-dependent glycoprotein which is synthesized in the liver (1-3). The domain structure of factor IX... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-0050

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa-DEGR

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-DEGR

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa-EGR

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-EGR

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa, biotinylated

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-0050-B

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa, biotinylated EGR

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-0050-BEGR1 mg

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor V

    Cat.-Nr: HCV-0100

    Factor V is a large, single chain, plasma glycoprotein which is an essential component in the blood coagulation cascade (1). During coagulation, the... Read More

  • Human Factor Va

    Cat.-Nr: HCVA-0110

    Factor Va is a cofactor for the serine protease factor Xa, and in the presence of calcium ions they collectively assemble on a phospholipid surface... Read More

  • Human Factor VII

    Cat.-Nr: HCVII-0030

    Human factor VII is a single chain, vitamin K-dependent, plasma glycoprotein which is synthesized in the liver (1-3). Prior to secretion into the... Read More

  • Human Factor VIIa

    Cat.-Nr: HCVIIA-0031

    Human factor VII is a single chain plasma glycoprotein, and is a zymogen in its native form (1-4). Proteolytic activation of factor VII, yields the... Read More

  • Human Factor X

    Cat.-Nr: HCX-0050

    Factor X is a vitamin K-dependent protein zymogen which is synthesized in the liver and circulates in plasma as a two chain molecule linked by a... Read More

  • Human Factor X, biotinylated

    Cat.-Nr: HCX-0050-B

    Factor X is a vitamin K-dependent protein zymogen which is synthesized in the liver and circulates in plasma as a two chain molecule linked by a... Read More

  • Human Factor Xa

    Cat.-Nr: HCXA-0060

    Activation of the zymogen, factor X, by either the intrinsic or extrinsic factor Xase complexes produces the active serine protease factor Xa (1,2).... Read More

  • Human Factor Xa-BEGRck (active site blocked)

    Cat.-Nr: HCXA-BEGR

    Activation of the zymogen, factor X, by either the intrinsic or extrinsic factor Xase complexes produces the active serine protease factor Xa (1,2).... Read More

  • Human Factor Xa-DEGRck (active site blocked)

    Cat.-Nr: HCXA-DEGR

    Activation of the zymogen, factor X, by either the intrinsic or extrinsic factor Xase complexes produces the active serine protease factor Xa (1,2).... Read More