Media & Reagents

  • AlphaSTEM® Culture Substrate

    Cat.-Nr: MC01360

    AlphaSTEM® Culture Substrate is a mouse monoclonal antibody that provides a defined surface for feeder-free generation and expansion of naive... Read More

  • AlphaSTEM® Differentiation Inducer

    Cat.-Nr: MD00312

    AlphaSTEM® Differentiation Inducer is a synthetic peptide that competitively inhibits the activity of NME7AB, the naturally occurring growth factor... Read More

  • AlphaSTEM® Naïve hPSC Medium

    Cat.-Nr: MN01500

    AlphaSTEM® Naïve hPSC Medium is a serum-free and feeder-free medium formulated for the generation and expansion of naïve pluripotent stem cells. ... Read More

  • StemLife NSC Complete Kit

    Cat.-Nr: LL-0070

    StemLife NSC Medium Complete Kit is optimized for the culture of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived Neural Stem Cells (NSCs): XCL-1 NSC and... Read More

  • StemLife NSC Complete Kit w/Fibronectin

    Cat.-Nr: LL-0073

    Lifeline® new StemLife NSC Medium Complete Kit + Fibronectin Solution is optimized for the culture of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived... Read More

  • StemLife NSC LifeFactors Kit

    Cat.-Nr: LS-1105

    StemLife NSC LifeFactors® Kit is for use with Lifeline® StemLife Basal Medium and Human Induced Pluripotent Neural Stem Cells. The StemLife NSC... Read More