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Worthington Biochemical

  • HIS - Hepatocyte Isolation System

    Cat.-Nr: LK002060

    Kit for performing five separate adult rat liver perfusions. Contains five single use CLSH enzyme vials, five single use DNase vials, 10X CMF-Hank's... Read More

  • HKQL - Hexokinase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002512

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder containing ~30% buffer/stabilizer. Phosphohexose isomerase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase,... Read More

  • HKQL - Hexokinase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002511

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder containing ~30% buffer/stabilizer. Phosphohexose isomerase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase,... Read More

  • HLY - Histone, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002546

    A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.

  • HLY - Histone, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002544

    A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.

  • HPOD - Peroxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002560

    A soluble, dialyzed, lyophilized powder. RZ ≥1.0.

  • HPOD - Peroxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002559

    A soluble, dialyzed, lyophilized powder. RZ ≥1.0.

  • HPOFF - Peroxidase, EIA Grade, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS006476

    Chromatographically purified. Single basic isozyme with RZ ≥2.9. A lyophilized powder. Suitable for immunoconjugation.

  • HPOFF - Peroxidase, EIA Grade, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS006474

    Chromatographically purified. Single basic isozyme with RZ ≥2.9. A lyophilized powder. Suitable for immunoconjugation.

  • HSE - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002594

    A partially purified, dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSE - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002592

    A partially purified, dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSEP - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005477

    Chromatographically purified. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSEP - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005475

    Chromatographically purified. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSEP - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005474

    Chromatographically purified. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • L15NK - Leibovitz L15 Media,NCIS

    Cat.-Nr: LK003250

    Leibovitz L-15 media powder, a component of the NCIS kit. Reconstitute entire contents of pouch, QS to 1 liter with cell culture grade water, and... Read More

  • LADCL - Lactate Dehydrogenase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002756

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder.

  • LAO - L-Amino Acid Oxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002764

    An aqueous solution with toluene added as a preservative.

  • LAO - L-Amino Acid Oxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002763

    An aqueous solution with toluene added as a preservative.

  • LBI - Trypsin Inhibitor, Lima Bean

    Cat.-Nr: LS002830

    Fraction III of the preparation described by Fraenkel-Conrat, et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 37, 393 (1952). Supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized... Read More

  • LBI - Trypsin Inhibitor, Lima Bean

    Cat.-Nr: LS002829

    Fraction III of the preparation described by Fraenkel-Conrat, et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 37, 393 (1952). Supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized... Read More

  • LPO - Lactoperoxidase Powder

    Cat.-Nr: LS000151

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder.

  • LPO - Lactoperoxidase Powder

    Cat.-Nr: LS000150

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder.

  • LY - Lysozyme

    Cat.-Nr: LS002881

    A powder containing trace amounts of sodium chloride.

  • LY - Lysozyme

    Cat.-Nr: LS002880

    A powder containing trace amounts of sodium chloride.

  • LYSF - Lysozyme

    Cat.-Nr: LS002933

    2X Crystallized. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • LYSF - Lysozyme

    Cat.-Nr: LS002931

    2X Crystallized. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • ML - Micrococcus lysodeikticus

    Cat.-Nr: LS008737

    These are dried cells suitable as a lysozyme substrate. Lysozyme preferentially hydrolyzes the β-1,4 glycosidic linkages between N-acetylmuramic... Read More

  • ML - Micrococcus lysodeikticus

    Cat.-Nr: LS008736

    These are dried cells suitable as a lysozyme substrate. Lysozyme preferentially hydrolyzes the β-1,4 glycosidic linkages between N-acetylmuramic... Read More

  • MOPS - 0.15m, MOPS Buffer, (MOPS)

    Cat.-Nr: LK002070

    0.15M MOPS, pH 7.5, 0.22u filtered. Buffer concentrate used to buffer the constituted Leibovitz L-15 media in Hepatocyte Isolation System.

  • MU - Mucin

    Cat.-Nr: LS002976

    A dry powder prepared by the method of Nisizawa, K., and Pigman, W.: Arch. Oral. Biol., 1, 161 (1959). Suitable as a substrate for neuraminidase.

  • MU - Mucin

    Cat.-Nr: LS002975

    A dry powder prepared by the method of Nisizawa, K., and Pigman, W.: Arch. Oral. Biol., 1, 161 (1959). Suitable as a substrate for neuraminidase.

  • Myoglobin

    Cat.-Nr: LS002410

    Bovine skeletal muscle , Supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized powder, =90% Purity (SDS-Page), Store at 2-8°C

  • Myoglobin

    Cat.-Nr: LS002408

    Bovine skeletal muscle , Supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized powder, =90% Purity (SDS-Page), Store at 2-8°C

  • NAH - Sodium bicarbonate, 7,5%

    Cat.-Nr: LK002069

    7.5% Sodium bicarbonate concentrate (NaHCO3), used to buffer the diluted CMF-HBSS; 1 x 100 ml

  • NCIS - Neonatal Cardiomyocyte Isolation Kit

    Cat.-Nr: LK003303

    Kit for performing five separate tissue dissociations each containing up to twelve hearts. Contains single use vials of purified collagenase and... Read More

  • NCIS - Neonatal Cardiomyocyte Isolation Kit

    Cat.-Nr: LK003300

    Kit for performing five separate tissue dissociations each containing up to twelve hearts. Contains single use vials of purified collagenase and... Read More

  • NEUA - Neuraminidase, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS004780

    A partially purified, lyophilized powder.

  • NEUA - Neuraminidase, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS004762

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder containing 50% (w/w) sucrose. Contaminating proteolytic activity ≤0.1% using trypsin as... Read More

  • NEUA - Neuraminidase, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS004761

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder containing 50% (w/w) sucrose. Contaminating proteolytic activity ≤0.1% using trypsin as... Read More

  • NEUA - Neuraminidase, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS004759

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder containing 50% (w/w) sucrose. Contaminating proteolytic activity ≤0.1% using trypsin as... Read More

  • NEUP - Neuraminidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS004779

    A partially purified, lyophilized powder.

  • NFCP - Nuclease, Micrococcal

    Cat.-Nr: LS004798

    Chromatographically purified to be essentially homogeneous chromatographically and electrophoretically (SDS-PAGE). A lyophilized powder.

  • NFCP - Nuclease, Micrococcal

    Cat.-Nr: LS004797

    Chromatographically purified to be essentially homogeneous chromatographically and electrophoretically (SDS-PAGE). A lyophilized powder.

  • NHL - Histone, Nucleo

    Cat.-Nr: LS003011

    A complex of histone and DNA. Zamenhof, S. Methods in Enzymology, Vol. III, 696 (1957). A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • NHL - Histone, Nucleo

    Cat.-Nr: LS003010

    A complex of histone and DNA. Zamenhof, S. Methods in Enzymology, Vol. III, 696 (1957). A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • NPRO - Dispase (Neutr. Protease), purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS02104

    Neutral protease (Dispase®) is a non-mammalian animal origin free (AOF) metallo, neutral protease, purified by methods developed at Worthington. Its... Read More

  • NPRO - Dispase (Neutr. Protease), purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS02100

    Neutral protease (Dispase®) is a non-mammalian animal origin free (AOF) metallo, neutral protease, purified by methods developed at Worthington. Its... Read More

  • NPRO - Dispase (Neutr. Protease), purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS02106

    Neutral protease (Dispase®) is a non-mammalian animal origin free (AOF) metallo, neutral protease, purified by methods developed at Worthington. Its... Read More

  • NPRO2 - Neutral Protease, Partially purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS02111

    Neutral protease (Dispase®) is a non-mammalian animal origin free (AOF) metallo, neutral protease, purified by methods developed at Worthington. Its... Read More

  • NPRO2 - Neutral Protease, Partially purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS02109

    Neutral protease (Dispase®) is a non-mammalian animal origin free (AOF) metallo, neutral protease, purified by methods developed at Worthington. Its... Read More