Product Overview
Explore our broad range of products for 2D and 3D cell culture, including human primary cells from various tissues with matching cell culture media, extracellular matrices, hydrogels, and scaffolds. We also offer enzymes for tissue dissociation and molecular biology, gene modification services for iPSCs, iPSC lines and derivatives, as well as products for hemostasis and thrombosis research.
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Activated Clotting Time (ACT) Tubes
For Veterinary Use Only The activated clotting time (ACT) is commonly used in veterinary medicine as an assessment of dysfunction within the... Read More
Anti-Human Protein C
Cat.-Nr: AHPC-5011
Mouse monoclonal antibody specific to human coagulation protein C and activated protein C. Does NOT recognize murine protein C (Western Blot).
Anti-Human TAFI
Cat.-Nr: AHTAFI-5024
Mouse monoclonal to human Thromin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor.
Anti-Human TAFI
Cat.-Nr: AHTAFI-5026
Anti-Human TAFI
Cat.-Nr: AHTAFI-5065
Mouse monoclonal to human Thromin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor.
Anti-Human TAFI
Cat.-Nr: AHTAFI-5081
Mouse monoclonal to human Thromin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor.
Anti-Mouse Factor VII
Cat.-Nr: AMVII-9031
Rat monoclonal antibody specific to mouse coagulation factor VII and VIIa (non-reduced only). Native mouse factor VII (non-reduced only). Not... Read More
Anti-mouse Factor VII
Cat.-Nr: AMVII-9032
Anti-Mouse Factor VIII
Cat.-Nr: AMVIII-9035
Rat monoclonal antibody specific to rekombinant mouse coagulation factor VIII.
Anti-Mouse Plasminogen
Cat.-Nr: AMPG-9130
Rat monoclonal anti-mouse antibody specific to the coagulation factor plasminogen and plasmin.
Anti-Mouse Protein C
Cat.-Nr: AMPC-9071
Rat monoclonal antibody specific to mouse coagulation protein C.
Anti-Mouse Protein C
Cat.-Nr: AMPC-9072
Rat monoclonal antibody specific to mouse coagulation protein C. Not inhibitory in aPTT.
Anti-Mouse Prothrombin
Cat.-Nr: AMP-9013
Rat monoclonal antibody specific to mouse coagulation factor prothrombin. Does not recognize mouse thrombin.
Anti-Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (monoclonal)
Cat.-Nr: AHTFPI-5138
Mouse monoclonal to human tissue factor pathway inhibitor.
Antithrombin III deficient plasma
Cat.-Nr: ATIII-ID-1
Haematologic Technologies factor deficient plasmas are for RESEARCH USE ONLY or for further manufacture into in vitro diagnostic reagents. Our... Read More
Antithrombin III deficient plasma
Cat.-Nr: ATIII-ID-50
The factor deficient plasmas are for RESEARCH USE ONLY or for further manufacture into in vitro diagnostic reagents. Our deficient plasmas are... Read More
Beta2-Glycoprotein I
Cat.-Nr: B2GI-0001
β2-Glycoprotein I (β2I, Apolipoprotein H) is a highly glycosylated single chain protein (Mr=54,200) which is synthesized in the liver and... Read More
Biotinylated EGR-chloromethylketone
Cat.-Nr: BEGRCK-06
Tri-peptide chloromethylketones have been utilized extensively to irreversibly inhibit various serine proteases (1-5). Among the most common... Read More
Biotinylated FPR-chloromethylketone
Cat.-Nr: BFPRCK-06
Tri-peptide chloromethylketones have been utilized extensively to irreversibly inhibit various serine proteases (1-5). Among the most common... Read More
Cat.-Nr: SN-54
Substrates containing the fluorescent reporter group 6-amino-1-naphthalene-sulfonamide (ANSN) are useful compounds for monitoring the enzyme activity... Read More