Enzymes & Related Products

Additional Enzymes in Molecular Biology Research

Enzymes play pivotal roles in molecular biology research, facilitating various biochemical processes essential for studying DNA, RNA, and protein interactions.

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Among these enzymes are:

  • Proteinase K, known for its ability to digest proteins and inactivate nucleases, ensuring pure DNA and RNA isolations.
  • Phosphatases, both acid and alkaline, catalyze the removal of phosphate groups from molecules, crucial for dephosphorylating DNA and RNA.
  • Nucleases, such as S1 and Micrococcal, are essential for DNA and RNA digestion, aiding in sequence analysis and mapping.
  • Reverse Transcriptase is indispensable for synthesizing complementary DNA (cDNA) from RNA templates, a critical step in gene expression studies. Additionally,
  • Phosphodiesterases I and II play roles in nucleic acid metabolism, breaking down phosphodiester bonds in RNA and DNA molecules.

These enzymes collectively contribute to the advancement of molecular biology research, enabling scientists to unravel the intricacies of genetic information and biological processes.

  • AP - Phosphatase, Acid

    Cat.-Nr: LS001141

    A non-specific esterase partially purified to the 0.35-0.55 fraction by the method described by Singer, JBC, 174, 11 (1948). Also active as a lipase.... Read More

  • BAPC - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005129

    Chromatographically purified. A suspension in 2.6M ammonium sulfate, pH 8.0.

  • BAPC - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005130

    Chromatographically purified. A suspension in 2.6M ammonium sulfate, pH 8.0.

  • BAPF - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS006123

    Chromatographically purified from Code: BAPC. Ribonuclease <0.002% by weight as RNase A using a poly C assay. Phosphodiesterase not detectable... Read More

  • BAPF - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS006124

    Chromatographically purified from Code: BAPC. Ribonuclease <0.002% by weight as RNase A using a poly C assay. Phosphodiesterase not detectable... Read More

  • BAPF - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS006130

    Chromatographically purified from Code: BAPC. Ribonuclease <0.002% by weight as RNase A using a poly C assay. Phosphodiesterase not detectable... Read More

  • BAPSF - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS004081

    Partially purified. A suspension in 2.6M ammonium sulfate, pH 8.0.

  • CAP - Phosphatase, Alkaline, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS004228

    Chromatographically purified, EIA grade. A solution in 50% glycerol containing 5mM MgCl2 and 0.12mM ZnCl2. Protein concentration is approximately... Read More

  • CAP - Phosphatase, Alkaline, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS004230

    Chromatographically purified, EIA grade. A solution in 50% glycerol containing 5mM MgCl2 and 0.12mM ZnCl2. Protein concentration is approximately... Read More

  • NFCP - Nuclease, Micrococcal

    Cat.-Nr: LS004797

    Chromatographically purified to be essentially homogeneous chromatographically and electrophoretically (SDS-PAGE). A lyophilized powder.

  • NFCP - Nuclease, Micrococcal

    Cat.-Nr: LS004798

    Chromatographically purified to be essentially homogeneous chromatographically and electrophoretically (SDS-PAGE). A lyophilized powder.

  • PC - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS003170

    Partially purified. A dried powder. Used in the NF/USP dexamethasone phosphate assay.

  • PC - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS003171

    Partially purified. A dried powder. Used in the NF/USP dexamethasone phosphate assay.

  • PC - Alkaline Phosphatase

    Cat.-Nr: LS003172

    Partially purified. A dried powder. Used in the NF/USP dexamethasone phosphate assay.

  • PROKR - Proteinase K, (Recombinant)

    Cat.-Nr: LS004248

    Native Proteinase K, product codes PROK and PROKS have been discontinued and superseded with Recombinant Proteinase K, product codes PROKR and... Read More

  • PROKR - Proteinase K, (Recombinant)

    Cat.-Nr: LS004249

    Native Proteinase K, product codes PROK and PROKS have been discontinued and superseded with Recombinant Proteinase K, product codes PROKR and... Read More

  • PROKR - Proteinase K, (Recombinant)

    Cat.-Nr: LS004250

    Native Proteinase K, product codes PROK and PROKS have been discontinued and superseded with Recombinant Proteinase K, product codes PROKR and... Read More

  • PROKRS - Proteinase K, (Recombinant) Solution

    Cat.-Nr: LS004254

    Native Proteinase K, product codes PROK and PROKS have been discontinued and superseded with Recombinant Proteinase K, product codes PROKR and... Read More

  • PROKRS - Proteinase K, (Recombinant) Solution

    Cat.-Nr: LS004256

    Native Proteinase K, product codes PROK and PROKS have been discontinued and superseded with Recombinant Proteinase K, product codes PROKR and... Read More

  • RTHIV - Reverse Transcriptase, rec., HIV

    Cat.-Nr: LS05003

    Chromatographically purified dimeric form with M.W. of 66 kDa and 51 kDa. A solution in 10mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.4, 1mM DTT and 20% glycerol.

  • RTHIV - Reverse Transcriptase, rec., HIV

    Cat.-Nr: LS05006

    Chromatographically purified dimeric form with M.W. of 66 kDa and 51 kDa. A solution in 10mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.4, 1mM DTT and 20% glycerol.

  • SINUC - Nuclease,S1

    Cat.-Nr: LS04070

    Chromatographically purified. Specific for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) degradation. Activity on native (ds) DNA undetectable under the assay... Read More

  • SINUC - Nuclease,S1

    Cat.-Nr: LS04072

    Chromatographically purified. Specific for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) degradation. Activity on native (ds) DNA undetectable under the assay... Read More

  • SPH - Phosphodiesterase II

    Cat.-Nr: LS003602

    Prepared from the 1mM sodium pyrophosphate, pH 6.9, alumina gel eluate of Hilmoe: Biochem. Prep VIII (Meister, A., ed.), John Wiley & Sons, NY,... Read More

  • SPH - Phosphodiesterase II

    Cat.-Nr: LS003603

    Prepared from the 1mM sodium pyrophosphate, pH 6.9, alumina gel eluate of Hilmoe: Biochem. Prep VIII (Meister, A., ed.), John Wiley & Sons, NY,... Read More

  • VPH - Phosphodiesterase I

    Cat.-Nr: LS003926

    Purified by the method of Williams, Sung and Laskowski, JBC, 236, 1130 (1961). Further treated to inactivate contaminating 5'-nucleotidase activity... Read More