Bone Related Proteins

Bone-related Proteins for the Study of Bone Metabolism

Bone metabolism, a complex interplay of processes governing bone formation and resorption, is a critical area of research in understanding skeletal health and diseases like osteoporosis. Central to this field are bone-related proteins.

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Osteocalcin, a small, vitamin K-dependent protein plays a multifaceted role in bone health, influencing mineralization, osteoblast differentiation, and insulin secretion. We offer human and bovine osteocalcin. Bovine Osteocalcin is prepared by bone demineralization in EDTA, and ion exchange chromatography. Human osteocalcin is prepared from extracts of acid-demineralized bones, using immunoaffinity chromatography. Both variants exhibit purities exceeding 95%, determined by SDS-PAGE.

Another pivotal protein in bone metabolism research is Osteonectin, also recognized as SPARC (Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine). Our offerings include Osteonectin sourced from bovine bone and human activated platelets. Osteonectin regulates bone metabolism by binding hydroxyapatite to collagen. Homologous proteins have been found in various cell types, primarily involved in extracellular matrix production.

Don’t forget to explore our product portfolio for the corresponding antibodies as well.

  • Bovine Bone Osteonectin (SPARC)

    Cat.-Nr: BON-3010

    Osteonectin is an acidic, noncollagenous glycoprotein (Mr = 29,000) originally isolated from fetal and adult bovine bone matrix (1-5). In vitro... Read More

  • Bovine Osteocalcin

    Cat.-Nr: BOC-3020

    Osteocalcin, also known as Bone-Gla-Protein (BGP), is a single chain (Mr = 5800) vitamin K dependent protein produced by osteoblasts and found in... Read More

  • Human Osteocalcin

    Cat.-Nr: HOC-0302

    Osteocalcin, also known as Bone-Gla-Protein (BGP), is a single chain (Mr = 5800) vitamin K dependent protein produced by osteoblasts and found in... Read More

  • Human Platelet Osteonectin (SPARC)

    Cat.-Nr: HON-0303

    Osteonectin is an acidic, noncollagenous glycoprotein (Mr = 29,000) originally isolated from fetal and adult bovine bone matrix (1-5). In vitro... Read More