Tissue Dissociation Kits

Tissue Dissociation Kits

The ready-to-use Tissue Dissociation Kits have been developed to provide researchers with reliable, reproducible, and robust cell isolation systems. The kits feature carefully selected purified enzymes as well as wellproven protocols. The enzymes are lot tested to minimize variations, assure performance, and maximize yield and viability of isolated cells.
Therefore, ready-to-use Tissue Dissociation Kits offer a cost-effective solution for tissue dissociation. In contrast, the use of crude enzyme preparations with lot-variable enzymatic activities, may require pre-screening of enzyme lots and a continuous modification of isolation parameters and adaption protocols.

We offer ready-to-use Tissue Dissociation Kits for the following tissues:

  • Papain Dissociation System (Code: PDS) for Neural Tissue Dissociation: Isolation of morphologically intact cortical neurons (nerve cells) from postnatal rat hippocampus, other fetal and postnatal brain regions.
  • Hepatocyte Isolation System (Code: HIS) for Liver Tissue Dissociation: Isolation of hepatocytes (liver cells) from adult rat livers.
  • Neonatal Cardiomyocyte Isolation System (Code: NCIS) for Heart Tissue Dissociation: Isolation of neonatal cardiomyocyte (heart cells) from neonatal rat heart.
  • Cell Isolation Optimizing System (Code: CIS) as a complete Method Development Kit. It acts as a ‘Starter Kit’ for developing optimized cell isolation protocols to meet individual requirements. The Cell Isolation Optimizing System offers purified enzymes commonly used in tissue dissociation, along with recommendations, references, and strategies for optimizing cell isolation procedures cost-effectively. It includes enzymes referenced in tissue dissociation and cell isolation protocols, along with a guide detailing tissue types, enzyme modes of action, tissue culture techniques, and optimization guidelines for successful enzymatic cell isolation.

The kit components of all ready-to-use Tissue Dissociation Kits are also available separately.