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  • ESL - Elastase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002290

    2X Crystallized, (Code: ESL), supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized powder. The enzyme should be 0.22 micron filtered after reconstitution and prior... Read More

  • ESL - Elastase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002292

    2X Crystallized, (Code: ESL), supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized powder. The enzyme should be 0.22 micron filtered after reconstitution and prior to... Read More

  • ESL - Elastase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002294

    2X Crystallized, (Code: ESL), supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized powder. The enzyme should be 0.22 micron filtered after reconstitution and prior... Read More

  • GAO - Galactose Oxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS004520

    Supplied as a lyophilized powder containing sodium phosphate and sucrose as stabilizers.

  • GAO - Galactose Oxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS004522

    Supplied as a lyophilized powder containing sodium phosphate and sucrose as stabilizers.

  • GAO - Galactose Oxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS004524

    Supplied as a lyophilized powder containing sodium phosphate and sucrose as stabilizers.

  • Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, High-Activity, Suspension

    Cat.-Nr: LS004002

    Chromatographically purified for higher specific activity. Same as Code: ZF except assayed using NAD. Phosphohexose isomerase, phosphogluconate... Read More

  • Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, High-Activity, Suspension

    Cat.-Nr: LS004004

    Chromatographically purified for higher specific activity. Same as Code: ZF except assayed using NAD. Phosphohexose isomerase, phosphogluconate... Read More

  • H - Histone

    Cat.-Nr: LS002375

    An ethanol dried powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.

  • H - Histone

    Cat.-Nr: LS002377

    An ethanol dried powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.

  • HB - Hemoglobin, Bovine

    Cat.-Nr: LS002402

    Suitable protease substrate. Prepared from repeatedly washed, then lysed, and dialyzed bovine red cells. A lyophilized powder.

  • HB - Hemoglobin, Bovine

    Cat.-Nr: LS002403

    Suitable protease substrate. Prepared from repeatedly washed, then lysed, and dialyzed bovine red cells. A lyophilized powder.

  • HB - Hemoglobin, Bovine

    Cat.-Nr: LS002404

    Suitable protease substrate. Prepared from repeatedly washed, then lysed, and dialyzed bovine red cells. A lyophilized powder.

  • HBSS - Hank's Balanced Salt Solution

    Cat.-Nr: LK003210

    Sterile calcium and magnesium free Hank's balanced salt solution (CMFHBSS), pH 7.4, as supplied in the NCIS kit; 1 x 500 ml.

  • HBSS10 - Hank's Balanced Salt Solution 10x

    Cat.-Nr: LK002064

    Sterile calcium and magnesium free Hank's balanced salt solution, 10X CMF-HBSS concentrate, as supplied in the HIS kit; 1 x 500 ml

  • HDA - Deoxyribonuclease II

    Cat.-Nr: LS002425

    A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HDAC - Deoxyribonuclease II

    Cat.-Nr: LS005410

    Chromatographically purified in a modification of the procedure of Bernardi, et al., BBA, 129, 1 (1966). A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HDACS - Deoxyribonuclease II

    Cat.-Nr: LS005416

    Chromatographically prepared. A solution in 50% glycerol.

  • HDACS - Deoxyribonuclease II

    Cat.-Nr: LS005418

    Chromatographically prepared. A solution in 50% glycerol.

  • HIS - Hepatocyte Isolation System

    Cat.-Nr: LK002060

    Kit for performing five separate adult rat liver perfusions. Contains five single use CLSH enzyme vials, five single use DNase vials, 10X CMF-Hank's... Read More

  • HKQL - Hexokinase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002511

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder containing ~30% buffer/stabilizer. Phosphohexose isomerase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase,... Read More

  • HKQL - Hexokinase, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002512

    Chromatographically purified. A lyophilized powder containing ~30% buffer/stabilizer. Phosphohexose isomerase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase,... Read More

  • HLY - Histone, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002544

    A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.

  • HLY - Histone, lyoph.

    Cat.-Nr: LS002546

    A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.

  • HPOD - Peroxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002559

    A soluble, dialyzed, lyophilized powder. RZ ≥1.0.

  • HPOD - Peroxidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002560

    A soluble, dialyzed, lyophilized powder. RZ ≥1.0.

  • HPOFF - Peroxidase, EIA Grade, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS006474

    Chromatographically purified. Single basic isozyme with RZ ≥2.9. A lyophilized powder. Suitable for immunoconjugation.

  • HPOFF - Peroxidase, EIA Grade, purified

    Cat.-Nr: LS006476

    Chromatographically purified. Single basic isozyme with RZ ≥2.9. A lyophilized powder. Suitable for immunoconjugation.

  • HSE - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002592

    A partially purified, dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSE - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS002594

    A partially purified, dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSEP - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005474

    Chromatographically purified. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSEP - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005475

    Chromatographically purified. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • HSEP - Hyaluronidase

    Cat.-Nr: LS005477

    Chromatographically purified. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder.

  • Human Activated Protein C

    Cat.-Nr: HCAPC-0080

    Activated protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant serine protease derived from the two chain, vitamin K-dependent zymogen, protein C (3-7). A complex... Read More

  • Human Activated Protein C-DEGR (active site blocked)

    Cat.-Nr: HCAPC-DEGR

    Activated protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant serine protease derived from the two chain, vitamin K-dependent zymogen, protein C (3-7). A complex... Read More

  • Human alpha Thrombin-BFPRCK

    Cat.-Nr: HCT-BFPRCK

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Human alpha-Thrombin

    Cat.-Nr: HCT-0020

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Human alpha-Thrombin-DFP (active site blocked)

    Cat.-Nr: HCT-DFP

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Human alpha-thrombin-FPRCK

    Cat.-Nr: HCT-FPRCK

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). During coagulation, thrombin... Read More

  • Human beta Thrombin

    Cat.-Nr: HCBT-0022

    Alpha-thrombin is a highly specific serine protease generated by proteolytic activation of the zymogen prothrombin (1). Purified forms of -thrombin... Read More

  • Human beta-Factor Xa

    Cat.-Nr: HCBXA-0061

    Activation of the zymogen, factor X, by either the intrinsic or extrinsic factor Xase complexes produces the active serine protease factor Xa (1,2).... Read More

  • Human Factor IX

    Cat.-Nr: HCIX-0040

    The zymogen factor IX is a single chain vitamin K-dependent glycoprotein which is synthesized in the liver (1-3). The domain structure of factor IX... Read More

  • Human Factor IX, biotinylated

    Cat.-Nr: HCIX-0040-B

    The zymogen factor IX is a single chain vitamin K-dependent glycoprotein which is synthesized in the liver (1-3). The domain structure of factor IX... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-0050

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa-DEGR

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-DEGR

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa-EGR

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-EGR

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa, biotinylated

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-0050-B

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor IXa, biotinylated EGR

    Cat.-Nr: HCIXA-0050-BEGR

    Factor IXa is produced from its inactive precursor, factor IX, via proteolytic cleavage by factor XIa or the tissue factor/factor VIIa/phospholipid... Read More

  • Human Factor V

    Cat.-Nr: HCV-0100

    Factor V is a large, single chain, plasma glycoprotein which is an essential component in the blood coagulation cascade (1). During coagulation, the... Read More

  • Human Factor Va

    Cat.-Nr: HCVA-0110

    Factor Va is a cofactor for the serine protease factor Xa, and in the presence of calcium ions they collectively assemble on a phospholipid surface... Read More